Use Custom Merge Driver to Simplify Git Conflicts

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Nicolas CharpentierAugust 03, 2023
3 min read
Use Custom Merge Driver to Simplify Git Conflicts

If you check generated files under source control, you'll probably end up dealing with merge conflicts. Those conflicts are easy to resolve because all you have to do is to generate those files again, but still, having to resolve those conflicts manually could be quite disruptive.

Before we jump into custom merge drivers, let's share context on how I discovered this feature and how helpful it has been for me.

Preamble to the custom merge driver

We use GraphQL Code Generator to generate TypeScript types based on our GraphQL, and as we're scaling GraphQL usages within our codebase, it means that we're starting to have a significant number of generated types. Therefore, generated files are getting changed by multiple people at the same time and multiple pull requests. Everything worked well at first, but as we continued to scale, we hit a point where we always had to rebase our branches to fix conflicts on generated files.

GraphQL Code Generator is used here to bring the concept, but the same thing could be applied to any generated files, think of lock files (e.g., yarn.lock, package-lock.json, or pnpm-lock.yaml).

But how do we solve conflicts with generated files?

The only way to fix it, which is to re-execute the command used to generate those files. Manually editing them would be non-sense because the generation is based on the input, and it's much easier just to regenerate them since the input/source changed.


Did you know the official way to solve merge conflicts within yarn.lock is to run yarn install again? Known as the auto-merge feature.

Can we automate this?

That's where using a Git custom merge driver is handy! You can define a custom merge driver and let Git handle it for you!

Again, we'll use GraphQL Code Generator as an example, but the same thing could be applied to your package manager as well.

The first thing we need to do is to define a custom merge driver in your git config. The location of it depends if you prefer to install them globally or locally. Globally, ~/.gitconfig is the file you're looking for, and locally, it's .git/config. Unfortunately, the local file isn't versioned, meaning that you'll have to re-define the merge driver for each project and make sure that everyone on your team does the same. To solve this limitation, I created merge-drivers a command-line interface to conveniently manage custom git merge drivers.

Ideally, we would also like to install fresh dependencies to make sure we're using the latest version of the codegen, so we'll use yarn install (or your alternative command) as part of the merge driver, then the command used to generate the files, in this context: yarn generate:

[merge "graphql-codegen"]
    name = "graphql codegen merge driver"
    driver = yarn install && yarn generate

Finally, we need to associate the merge driver with the generated files. For GraphQL Code Generator, generated files are located in __generated_graphql_types__/.

We can do that by adding the following to your .gitattributes file:

__generated_graphql_types__/** merge=graphql-codegen

From now on, every time Git encounter a merge conflict related to the generated files, it will run our custom merge driver behind the scene. You won't even notice it anymore!